If you wish to learn real estate investing with the Kwak Brothers, go to http://investorcoaching.info to get more information on how you can work with the Kwak Brothers nationwide! Grant Cardone has been inspiring his followers with the philosophy that you should ONLY buy multi-family properties. While that may have merits and benefits, it's something to consider that multifamily apartments are not ALWAYS better than buying single family rentals. There are pros and cons to buying Single Family vs Multi-Family. Sam Kwak is here to give you an objective point of view and an opinion as far as what you should invest in. Grant Cardone deserves the respect and the admiration but it's time to get a different opinion on his ideas. Check out our FREE REAL ESTATE INVESTING PODCASTS every week! https://soundcloud.com/thekwakbrothers Sam Kwak, one of the Kwak Brothers, real estate investor, author of the book Fire Your Boss is based out of Chicago area. Daniel (his brother) and Sam have raised over $3.1 million dollars of private capital and they are closing on 80 rental units that they control. Want to learn more about real estate investing? Be sure to hit SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel for MORE real estate investing tips, tricks and secrets! DOWNLOAD OUR FREE OWNER FINANCING CHEAT SHEET: http://thekwakbrothers.com/cheatguide